Charter for voluntary work

Charter for voluntary work

The Fondation Autisme Luxembourg undertakes to:

  • welcome the volunteer and regard him/her as a member of the team
  • provide the volunteer with clear information on the Foundation, its objectives and how it operates
  • entrust the volunteer with tasks that are in line with his/her skills, availability and priorities
  • ensure that everyone’s functions are clearly defined so as to avoid unnecessary overlap
  • provide the volunteer with a suitable working environment
  • ensure that the volunteer has adequate supervision and provide training if required
  • ensure adequate insurance cover for the volunteer
  • reimburse expenses where required so that anyone can make a commitment to voluntary work

The volunteer undertakes to:

  • accept the Foundation’s principles and act in keeping with its objectives
  • commit to the development of the Foundation in a spirit of solidarity
  • accept guidance for the tasks that he/she will perform and undergo any training that is offered
  • complete satisfactorily the tasks that have been jointly agreed upon
  • work in a spirit of mutual understanding with the other volunteers and employees
  • observe confidentiality when carrying out duties and comply with the Foundation’s Code of ethics