La motivation chez les personnes TSA

La motivation chez les personnes TSA

The appearance of a behaviour depends on our motivation.... What do we need to do to maintain or increase motivation in people with ASD? What is a reinforcer? How do we identify reinforcers? How can reinforcers be used and communicated?

Can reinforcement be used to stop a behaviour occurring? If so, under what conditions?

The course will also include a number of practical exercises and time for reflection.


The training ensures that the participant knows what to look out for to increase motivation in people with ASD to carry out an activity and to set up a reinforcer if necessary.

🏡 Rambrouch

⏱️17.10.2024 from 10.30am to 3.30pm

➡️ French 

💰150 EUR (people with ASD, parents and students: 75 EUR. FREE for volunteers, FAL companions and FAL staff).

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