Comprendre l’autisme sans déficience intellectuelle : définition, fonctionnement cognitif, besoins
This course is designed for professionals, parents and anyone interested in understanding the functioning and characteristics of autism without intellectual disabilities (formerly known as Asperger's syndrome).
The different qualities, difficulties, challenges and needs will be discussed. Personal accounts and case studies will help us to understand the way autism functions, perceives and thinks. Together we will develop strategies and solutions to meet individual needs and challenges.
Participants are invited to share their experiences, exchange ideas, discuss and bring concrete cases that can be discussed.
In relation to autism without intellectual disability:
- To know what it is
- To understand how the people concerned "function
- To be aware of their difficulties and needs
- To learn "basic" strategies
⏱️12.11.2024 from 9am to 4.30pm
💰150 EUR (People with ASD, parents and students: 75 EUR. Companions, volunteers and FAL staff: FREE)
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