Practical exercises as a daily aid - based on mindfulness.
To know tools and methods to understand and appropriate one's own stress and emotion regulation and impulse control.
🏡13A, rue du nord, L-8806 Rambrouch
⏱️MODUL 1: 01.10.2024 from 9a.m. to 4p.m.
MODUL 2: 15.10.2024 from 9a.m. to 4p.m.
🧑🏫 Stany Paquet (Sozialpädagoge, MBSR-Trainer, TMM-Leiter)
➡️ French
💰150 EUR (people with ASD, parents and students are half price. FREE for FAL companions and FAL staff)
Registration for courses or on Please specify which course you are registering for.