Key dates in our history

Key dates in our history

The Foundation was delighted to welcome Dr. Vermeulen to Luxembourg for the 1st time. Two subjects were discussed: "The predictive brain and autism" and "Autism and happiness".
The Foundation receives the Bénévolat Quality Label from the Agence du Bénévolat.
The support and diagnostic assessment services have moved to their new premises in Steinsel.
Open Day at Rambrouch - A first for the FAL since the others had all taken place at our Munshausen site.
Temporary day activity service opened in Dudelange

Opening of the Foyer 6 in Rambrouch

First AutiSport session for children, teenagers and adults

Inauguration of the accomadation home 5 in Rambrouch

Receipt of the High-Patronage of TRH the Grand Duchess

Inauguration of the accomodation home and day-care site in Rambrouch honored by the presence of SAR la Grande-Duchesse Maria Teresa, Mrs Corinne Cahen, Minister of Family, Mrs Lydia Mutsch, Minister of Health and Mr Romain Schneider, Minister of Social Security.

First care site and accomodations opened in Rambrouch, welcoming first residents.

The Fondation Autisme Luxembourg celebrated its 20th anniversary with a magic show presented by David Goldrake. At the end of the show, the birthday cake made a spectacular entrance on stage. The evening was celebrated in the presence of Ms. Minister of Family, Corinne Cahen and representatives of the City of Luxembourg.

Fondation Autisme Luxembourg is celebrating its 20th anniversary !

Their Royal Highnesses the Grand Duke and the Grand Duchess Heiress Guillaume and Stéphanie visited the workshops of the Day Care Centre and accomodations in Munshausen.

Visit in Munshausen of Mme la Ministre de la Famille Corinne Cahen.

Laying of the foundation stone of the building in Rambrouch.

After-school activities are moved from Capellen to Niederfeulen. 

co-organises the General Meeting of Autism-Europe held in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. 

Rebranding: new image for the Foundation with a new logo, new brochures and a new website to increase public awareness of autism. 

Open day at the Fondation Autisme Luxembourg
Guided tours, exhibitions, children’s games, etc. 

Signature of the Building Convention for the 2 phases of the Rambrouch project. 

Signature of the Building Convention for phase 1 of the Rambrouch project. 

First campaign "Light it up blue" to increase public awareness of autism. 

Visit by Mr Laurent Mosar, President of the Chamber of Deputies. 

Introduction of the Code of Values E.S.P.R.I.T.
(Engagement-Commitment, Satisfaction of clients, Performance/Quality, Respect, Innovation, Tolerance) 

Open day at the Fondation Autisme Luxembourg
Guided tours, exhibitions, films, etc. 

Leisure Convention. Creation of a service providing support, counselling and training for families and professionals. 

The European Social Fund accepts and supports two of the Foundation’s projects :

  • "Study on the employment of persons with autism in an ordinary business setting", cofinanced by the Luxembourg Ministry of Culture, Higher Education and Research

  • "Training on care of persons with disabilities and high dependence", supported by the Luxembourg Ministry of Family and Integration and the Ministry of National Education 

Opening of the 3rd home. 

New ministerial Convention for residential and day care centres. Boarding fee is financed by the Luxembourg care insurance system and a fixed amount for socio-educational support (ASP) is financed by the Family Ministry. 

Open day at the Fondation Autisme Luxembourg
Guided tours, exhibitions, films, round-table discussions, etc. 

First autism weekend organised by the Fondation Autisme Luxembourg, « Urville » Conference in Luxembourg City. 

Diagnostic Convention. 

Purchase of further land in Munshausen for Day-Care Centre activities. 

Opening of the 2nd home to accommodate a further 6 persons with autism. 

Visit by the Grand Duchess Maria-Teresa. 

Official opening of the Munshausen residential centre. The first 6 residents move into their new home a few days later. 

Opening of a temporary day care residence in Bourscheid. Thanks to the support of the Commune of Bourscheid, a temporary day care centre opens its doors to prepare the first Munshausen residents. 

Signature of a second Convention with the Family Ministry (MIFA) to extend the activities of the day- care centre to serve 24 persons. 

First holiday camp for autistic children in Weicherdange and creation of the Leisure service of the Foundation. Many holiday camps and weekend outings will follow this first experience. 

First employee is taken on. Until this date, all activities of the Foundation had been carried out by volunteers. 

Publication of the first tender for the building works at Munshausen ; works start shortly afterwards. 

Creation of the not-for-profit parental association « Association des Parents de Personnes Atteintes d'Autisme de Luxembourg » (APPAAL). Such a parental organisation had not existed until now, as the Foundation lacked such members owing to its legal form and « Autisme Luxembourg ASBL » was a mixed organisation in which parents were in a minority. 

The Family Ministry signs a convention with the Foundation to build a residential and day centre for 18 persons + 2 short-stay places and daytime workshops for the residents. 

The Foundation purchases a plot of land in Munshausen to build a first residential centre. 

During 1998
Exchange visits are organised by the Foundation and subsidised by the European Union to several institutions in Spain, Ireland, Belgium and France, in order to gain the necessary knowledge to manage a centre for autistic persons with a severe disability. 

Fondation Autisme Luxembourg was recognised to be of public utility by the publication of the Grand Ducal decree of 6 October 1996.

At the initiative of a group of concerned parents and with the support of the non-profit organisation « Société luxembourgeoise pour l'aide aux personnes autistiques asbl», the Fondation Autisme Luxembourg (FAL) is created. Shortly afterwards the non-profit organisation changes its name to : « Autisme Luxembourg ASBL ». 

Creation of the Institute for autistic and psychotic children by the Luxembourg State. The purpose of this institute is to provide schooling for a certain number of autistic children. This institute is attached to the Special Education Service in the Ministry for National Education. 

Creation of the first specialised organisation : « Société luxembourgeoise pour l'aide aux personnes autistiques ». It is a not-for-profit organisation whose members consist of professionals, parents and other persons. Over the coming years, this organisation sets up several services for persons with autism. 

No specific initiative relating to autism in Luxembourg prior to 1981.